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A Reader Asks About Surrogacy

by Amanda on January 8, 2008
category: Pregnancy

A reader asks The Mom Crowd:

Hi, My husband (although he doesn’t know) and I have talked about having wanting another little one. I would like to have it myself, but can’t, because after my 2nd daughter was born, I had my tubes tied. I know I could have it reversed, but there was also the option of a surrogate mom. Can anyone shed some light on that subject, or know of anyone who has used a surrogate mom. Any advice would be great. Oh, I am 35, do my risks increase as my age does? Thanks Moms.

I personally do not have any experience with surrogacy, but I found these great sites that will give you more information. As I was going through the sites, I tried to find information that was not given by a Surrogacy Agency. I felt the information provided on Surrogacy Agency’s websites might be helpful, but may be partial to promote their business.

EverythingSurrogacy.com has many articles with good questions to help you decide if surrogacy is right for you, the different types of surrogacy, and the cost. One of the articles mentioned that a lot of information might be outdated. Be sure to get the newest information.

Surromomsonline.com has some general information and personal stories.

Surrogacy.com’s articles cover many topics such as medical, legal, psychology, and personal stories.

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