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The 1st National Mom’s Nite Out is on Thursday!

by Amanda on May 6, 2009
category: Cool websites,In the news

momsniteoutThe very first ever National Mom’s Nite Out is this Thursday night! “National Mom’s Nite Out is the first nationally organized celebration of motherhood. Intended to bring together today’s moms, physically and virtually, National Mom’s Nite Out will unite over 150 social media groups, companies, local playgroups, mommy bloggers and mother social networks in giving moms a well deserved night off.”

There are many sponsored events around the U.S. You can click here to see if there is a party at a retail space in your part of the country. If not, then you could host one in your home or check out the websites hosting parties online. I am sure there will be many tweets about the joys of being kid-free for an evening. (Follow @MomsNiteOut on Twitter here.)

So leave the kids with Dad, a sitter, a family member, or a friend and take the night off!

1 Response to The 1st National Mom’s Nite Out is on Thursday!

  • Dawn
    Comment by Dawn
    May 7, 2009 @ 2:40 pm

    I would like to take tonight off, but I usually need to run it by hubby a few days in advance. Maybe this Saturday I’ll get some alone time after I go to my morning book club.